Case Study:
Pennyhill Park, Bagshot

Penny Hill Park - Bars & Restaurants by CGA Integration


Chefs tables have enjoyed a recent renaissance as the ultimate in VIP dining. Pennyhill park sited their new development in the heart of their famous kitchens, for maximum proximity to the chefs. To enhance the standards of food and service, they required innovative mood lighting, audio and customised entertainment for this exclusive dining opportunity


With space at a premium and the Italian designer décor not to be compromised by the intrusion of fittings or speakers, this project called for innovative solutions


Plastered in speakers maintain the unblemished ceiling, while LED mood lighting was designed into the feature cast glass table, Italian chandelier and champagne wall niches creating a flexible ambience to suit celebration or corporate entertainment. Camouflaged laptop inputs feed an LCD screen, which is interfaced to TV or hotel channels. Control is via custom wall plate and touch screen, linked to electrically opaque Privalite windows giving full control of audio, lights, window and vision, for a range of stunning dining environments.


‘Situated in the heart of the main kitchen at Pennyhill Park, we wanted the Henri Giraud Chef’s Table to be a truly unique, premier dining experience. So many factors have to be considered to create just that however, one key aspect was the lighting and visual effects that Chris Gunton and his team designed and implemented. The result is simply stunning’, commented Julian H Tomlin, General Manager, Pennyhill Park Hotel & The Spa.